Monday, December 17, 2012

Home Sweet Idaho

As I traveled across the country by car from Illinois to our new home in Coeur d'Alene, ID I was struck that this country is both so large and so small at the same time.  In 3 days we crossed into 7 states starting in the Land of Lincoln, through of America's Dairyland into the Land of 10,000 Lakes through the Rushmore State into the Equality State and further into Big Sky Country finally coming to our new homestate the Gem State.  

The drive at times was boring but more often than not it was fascinating in both topography and history.  Over three days we passed through some gorgeous landscapes in states that are not known to be "beautiful" such as South Dakota. Here are some photos of our travels (some taken going 75 miles per hour) which is the speed limit on I90 going west.

South Dakota Water and Mountains

It can be dangerous at Rest Areas!

Welcome to Wyoming

Montana Snow Fences along I90 Luckily we had gorgeous sunny weather!

Montana guess we know why its nickname is Big Sky Country
We made it! Even though it was not sunny it was still beautiful.
My boys in their first Idaho snow.
Did I mention that there was a Perkins in 5 of the 7 states we went to, love their muffins!
Some of the sites we passed along but couldn't stop this time but we will back to check out for quick visits or longer vacations are:

-The Corn Palace
-Mount Rushmore/Crazy Horse
-Wall Drug
-Yellowstone in Wyoming and Montana
-Little Big Horn battlefield also known as Custers Last Stand
-1880's town 
-The town of Pinehurst in Idaho (special to us because that was the street we lived on in Illinois

We can't wait to further immerse ourselves into Idaho and specifically CDA!

Till Next Time!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Snow Birds

As Greg and I get ready to make the move next week, I haven't had a lot of time to write on the blog. However I wanted to post about the annual wintering of the Bald Eagles on Lake Coeur d'Alene. Every year around this time the Eagles will start their winter roost. From December 26-January 1 is Eagle Watch  held near Wolf Lodge Bay. 

The Eagles will feast on the spawning Kokanee salmon and stay until late January until early February or until the Salmon are gone.

We can't wait to check this out when we get to town! 

This video shows the magnificence of these beautiful creatures as they fly over the lake.

Till Next Time!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Adventure is out there, in Idaho!

It is time to start a new chapter in my life, my husband, Greg, our dog Snickers and I will be moving from Chicago to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho in mid-December.  We are leaving the Windy City behind for the Gem State specifically Silver City and we are so excited.  

We fell in love with the Coeur D'Alene area and had the pleasure of driving through the state all the way to Boise. Idaho is a  natural gem of gorgeous landscape and friendly people truly a hidden treasure in our country.

We will be going out there this weekend to finalize our rental apartment, and sign papers for a beautiful lot in Syringa Heights. Along the way we hope to go to church at St. Pius and have dinner in downtown CDA.

 I hope you will enjoy following our adventure as we learn how to be Inland Northwesterners.   Our friends and family have asked many times "why Idaho?" I hope this blog will introduce those not familiar to understand our answer "why not, Idaho?

Till Next Time!