Friday, January 4, 2013

I have to buy vodka WHERE in Idaho?

We are finally moved in and one of our first stops of course was the grocery store.  Unlike Illinois there are quite a few choices to buy groceries, and I will blog about that another time. However none of the grocery stores sell hard liquor, is Idaho a dry state? (the horror) no they are liquor controlled which means the stores that sell liquor are state run. Like a DMV that sells your Chocolate Martini makings.

So what does a state liquor store look like we had to check it out! Here is a typical  aisle of a Idaho liquor store. You are thinking well they could certainly use some merchandising advice. However that is a big part of the state control, there is no advertising allowed. This keeps costs a bit lower and also creates a fair playing field for local craft distilleries as they don't have to purchase "shelf space".

So who makes money on the sale of hard liquor? The state and as a result the residents of my new state benefit. According to the State Liquor commission over the last decade $375 Million dollars has been distributed to state programs, cities and counties.

Idaho's prices and selection are so attractive that we are also getting money from across the state line from Washington as residents of that state prefer to buy here then in their home state because of the taxes charged at their uncontrolled retail establishments.

So now we have to go the "Liquor Store" to get our libations which is ok by me. I am interested in knowing though from fellow Idahoans, is the state run system as good as it sounds, what are the cons?

Till Next Time